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Inclusive Whole Setting Approaches

Inclusive Whole Setting Approaches


Inclusive whole school approaches support effective early identification and intervention. The below sections have been written with Bury SENCOs to celebrate good practice and support schools to reflect upon and develop their whole school approach to SEND.

  • What is a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND)?

    In Bury, we advocate for a broad definition of SEND.

  • Understanding and Meeting Local Need

    SENCOs need to have a solid understanding of the duties and entitlements of children and young people with SEND.

  • Leadership and Management

    An inclusive whole setting ethos needs to be driven by, and have strategic support from, senior leaders: where SEND is a key focus and priority.

  • Staff Development and Deployment

    Experienced SENCOs have a good overview of the skill sets of teaching and support staff in relation to SEND.

  • SENCO and Staff Wellbeing

    It is essential that staff wellbeing sits at the core of whole setting approaches and is a key priority for senior leaders.

  • Reflective Practice and SEND

    The best educational practitioners reflect on their teaching style and approach and revise this based on what works well for them and the children they work with.

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