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Maths - Getting Help (Targeted Interventions)

Maths - Getting Help (Targeted Interventions)

Use of appropriate assessments to identify strengths and areas of need, in order to target intervention at an early stage. This may include standardised assessments (e.g. Sandwell Early Numeracy Test) as well as formative, criterion-referenced and curriculum-based assessments.

In the co-production of this document, Senco suggested interventions and approaches below:


  • Pre-teaching new concepts including new vocabulary.

  • Over learning.

  • Real life practical using and applying.

  • Programmes for assessment and intervention where Mathematical difficulties are present (e.g. Dynamo Maths).


Peer support (e.g. Year 2 children teaching younger peers).


Targeted ‘basic skills’ time work, and small group sessions to supplement and repeat some whole class learning and develop basic skills.




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