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Bury Rough sleepers
Bury Rough sleepers
0 Reviews
We aim to ensure that no-one will sleep rough on the streets of Bury. We are dedicated to making sure that no rough sleeper stays out for another night.
We aim to:
- provide dedicated officers to support and assist those rough sleeping into accommodation
- provide a rapid response to new rough sleepers
- provide support based on each individuals needs, meaning no-one need spend a second night on the street
- help rough sleepers to access a place of safety
- reconnect rough sleepers from outside the area with their community.
You can help by letting us know about anyone you think may be rough sleeping.
Telephone us during normal working hours, Monday to Friday, on 0161 253 5537. Outside of normal working hours please phone 0161 253 6606.
The following services may also be able to provide information and advice.
- A Bed Every Night (ABEN)
- Housing First England
- Caritas - Red Door
- The Bury Directory - Housing and homelessness
- Street Support
If you still need help and advice you can contact us or you can complete the referral below and we will contact you.
Contact Details
Telephone Number
- 0161 253 5537
Secondary Telephone Number
- 0161 253 6606
Service Information
Bury & Local Area
Target Audiences:
All ages
Referral Required?:
Links for information
Last updated 19th May 2022