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Caring, Working, Living (GMCVO)

Caring, Working, Living (GMCVO)

0 Reviews

GMCVO Return to Work Services

Caring, Working, Living aims to support people with caring responsibilities who are looking to return to work (Returners).

Support We Can Offer:

  • provide information to 'Returners' about agencies in their local area that provide support with job search skills
  • provide financial support towards the cost of job searching, for example towards the cost of childcare or other care; travel to an employment support activity; interview costs such as travel or clothing
  • provide information about employers that are offering workplace visits; work trials; placements or Returnships as part of their recruitment
  • provide peer support through our Facebook page


In order to be eligible for support you must be:

  • either a parent or a Carer
  • have been out of work for at least 12 months due to caring responsibilities
  • be looking to return to work
  • live in Greater Manchester

To fill out the Eligibility form click here

Contact Details


Vicky Maher

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number

0161 277 1044


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 15th January 2024

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