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Early Education & Childcare (EEC) Information for Registered Childcare Providers

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

Early Education & Childcare (EEC) Information for Registered Childcare Providers

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Free Early Education and Childcare places can be offered by a variety of providers including school nurseries, private nurseries, pre-school playgroups and childminders as long as they are included in Bury's Directory of EEC Providers for 2, 3 and 4 year olds. 

For further information please read the attached documents.

Please Note the EEC Guidance States: Early education funding cannot be claimed by, or spent on, childminders providing childcare for their own child or a related child, even if they are claiming for other children.

You can search for other childcare providers in the Education, Childcare & Nurseries in Bury section of The Bury Directory

I am a registered childcare provider, what do I do next?

If you are a registered childcare provider and would like to be included in Bury's Directory of EEC Providers for 2, 3 and 4 Year Olds please email Early Years Funding at the email address below with your details, including your OFSTED URN (registration number).

Contact Details


Early Years Funding Team

Telephone Number

0161 253 6917

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 14th December 2022

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