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Improving Oral Health For Adults in Care Homes NICE - National Institute For Health And Care Excellence

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

Improving Oral Health For Adults in Care Homes NICE - National Institute For Health And Care Excellence

0 Reviews

This information is provided by Oral Health Improvement Bury | The Bury Directory

The Care Quality Commission expects registered managers to take account of nationally recognized guidance, including guidance from NICE. Evidence about how you support residents to maintain good oral health will help you demonstrate that your service is both effective and responsive.

People living in care homes are at greater risk of oral health problems. For further information please visit a quick guide for care home managers. 

Additional resources and information are available.

Contact Details


Alison Tabois

Job Title/Position

Oral Health Improvement Practitioner

Mobile Number

07826 858005

Email Address

Service Information



Last updated 23rd May 2022

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