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Visual Impairment - Getting Help (KS1)

Visual Impairment - Getting Help (KS1)

Teaching practice which facilitates access to the curriculum, social/emotional development and class participation. Draw upon information contained within specialist websites, such as RNIB.


School must access specific VI related training provided by the Sensory Needs Team - Vision.


Access to wider staff training.


On-going assessment, advice, support, monitoring and training from a Qualified Teacher of the Visually Impaired (QTVI), as well as attendance at review meetings.


Teachers should implement advice including specific interventions as suggested by the QTVI.


Provide access to a quiet space for QTVI to work with the child.


Curriculum plan reflects levels of achievement and must include individually focused IEP.


Child involved in setting and monitoring their own targets.


Teaching methods based on experiential and tactile learning with a strong verbal emphasis, which facilitate access to the curriculum and class participation.


School staff to provide some modification of learning materials to facilitate access e.g. attention to speed of lesson delivery and speed of working of VI children.


Opportunities for individual and small group work to meet identified needs and to facilitate learning and inclusion, as appropriate.


Opportunities for explanation, and exploration of resources before they are used in an activity e.g. through pre-teaching.


Large print and differentiated materials, provided by school, as appropriate to meet assessed needs including: touch typing, coloured overlays and matt laminating pouches.


Specific interventions may be necessary and advice should be followed from QTVI.


Opportunities for group interventions to develop social inclusion with peers e.g. Circle of Friends  


Environmental adaptations e.g. pay attention to layout of furniture, seating and lighting in the classroom. Keep classroom furniture in the same place where possible.

Accessibility of outside environment including edges clearly marked. Use coloured strips on the edge of internal and external staircases to make them more visible.


Access to equipment, including the use of an iPad or laptop with highlighted keys and software, to meet assessed needs. Further information about assistive technology can be found at Sight Advice, RNIB, Living Made Easy.


Visits away from the school are planned well in advance and take into consideration the child’s needs.


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