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Welcome to the Advice in Bury Charity Network area of the Housing Information, Support & Advice In Bury page in The Bury Directory’s Home, Housing & Money Support In Bury section.

Here, you’ll find links to a range of Citizens Advice services and money management resources that are connected to “Advice in Bury”, a network of local charitable organisations that have pledged to work together to enable Bury residents to find the right help quickly and reliably.

The charity network advises and supports local people regarding their welfare rights and the legal tools at their disposal, as well as providing information about particular entitlements and directing users to resources that they can use to defend or claim those entitlements.

This network cannot provide assistance or guidance for for-profit entities and businesses, or offer any assistance with matters outside of social welfare rights.

If you are not able to find the resources you are looking for in this section, there may be other information and assistance available via the main Housing Information, Support & Advice In Bury page.

Otherwise, you can get in touch with The Bury Directory using a simple online contact form. Someone will respond to you as quickly as possible in order to direct you to the right information or provide useful advice.

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