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Find useful information and advice on all types of home, money and housing related queries in Financial Aid for the Disabled in Bury area of The Bury Directory’s Adult Care & Disability Services in Bury section.

There is information about benefits and financial help in Bury, and even food banks working during Coronavirus in the Financial Support In Burysection. If you’re looking for legal advice, you can find solicitors, barristers and law firms in the Bury area in the Legal Support In Bury section. 

In the Environmental Health In Bury section, find advice on food safety & hygiene, pest control and recycling in Bury. 

Find even more information about housing and homeownership in Bury in the Bury Council Housing & Homelessness, Housing Information Support & Advice In Bury, and Tenants & Residents Associations In Bury sections.

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