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Welcome to the Housing Information Support & Advice In Bury area of The Bury Directory’s Home, Housing & Money Support In Bury section.

Here, you’ll find a range of valuable advice, guidance and resources to assist you with numerous different aspects of being a homeowner, tenant or user of various housing services in Bury and the surrounding areas.

By browsing the links displayed on this page, you’ll be able to access a diverse selection of tools and advice regarding gas, electricity and water supplies, local home maintenance services and general housing information and support services

Via this page, you can also find resources connected to the Advice in Bury Charity Network , as well as tools to help you move house and information on general property repairs and the affordable provision of furniture and paint in Bury.

This is the go-to section for details you may be unable to find across our other Home, Housing & Money Support In Bury pages.

If you are not able to locate the resources you require within this section, your next port of call should be to contact The Bury Directory team via our straightforward online form. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible with any relevant advice and suggestions.

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