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Welcome to the Moving House area of the Housing Information, Support & Advice In Bury page in The Bury Directory’s Home, Housing & Money Support In Bury section.

You can use the links displayed on this page to find valuable resources and advice to help keep your house move into, out of or within the Bury area as smooth, successful and stress-free as possible.

Whether you’re in the process of house hunting, you need advice regarding an empty property that you own or you require guidance or information regarding your council tax, this area can provide all of the details you require.

The information displayed on this page is relevant to homeowners, private renters, council house residents and individuals with other arrangements.

You can find information about services such as gas, electricity and water on an alternative page. Repairs and environmental health matters are explored on separate pages, too.

If there is any information about moving house in Bury that you are unable to track down on this page, we recommend visiting the main Housing Information, Support & Advice In Bury page.

Otherwise, get in touch with The Bury Directory by filling in our straightforward contact form, and someone will be in touch with you as soon as possible to answer your query and provide you with assistance and advice.

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