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Welcome to the General House Repairs area of the Housing Information, Support & Advice In Bury page in The Bury Directory’s Home, Housing & Money Support In Bury section.

If you are a Bury resident and your property requires attention of any kind - whether this may be general furnishing and maintenance, major repairs or in-depth structural improvements  - you’ll be able to find the resources you require right here.

The links on this page will help you to learn more about how to resolve particular issues such as a landlord refusing to undertake necessary improvements to the property you are privately renting from them.

They will also enable you to study up to date building regulations so that you can plan changes and updates to your property sensibly and safely. 

 You’ll also be able to use this page to access certain trade service specialists and providers to find home improvement materials such as floor coverings.

If you can’t find the information you are looking for in this section, you should consult the main Housing Information, Support & Advice In Bury page. You can also use a quick online contact form to get in touch with The Bury Directory team. We’ll get back to you with handy help and advice.

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