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Working with parents/carers, children and young people

Working with parents/carers, children and young people

Working together with parents/carers, children and young people around all aspects of SEND is vital, from the earliest point.

"It's all about listening to parents and giving you a chance to talk about your child…" (Bury parent)

It is essential that young people and families are involved in and supported with planning and decision-making and are well informed about provisions and approaches used in schools.

Please see the section on Co-production of policies.

The central importance of working together with children, young people and families is highlighted in the Children and Families Act and SEND Code of Practice, and explored in more detail through the following sections.

'Planning should start with the individual and local authorities must have regard to the views, wishes and feelings of the child, child’s parent or young person, their aspirations, the outcomes they wish to seek and the support they need to achieve them.' (SEND Code of Practice, 2015, p. 147).

Pupil support plans or IEPs can have outcomes which are based on the aspirations of children and families. It is important to identify children’s/young people’s and parent/carer’s aspirations at the start of your support planning process.

  • Building relationships

    Throughout the co-production of this toolkit, Bury SENCOs and parents/carers emphasised the importance of building trusted relationships; this forms a strong foundation for working together.

  • Good communication and information-sharing systems

    Working together with parents/carers relies on having robust and varied communication systems, both formal and informal, that support regular information-sharing between home and school.

  • Raising initial concerns and supporting parents/carers’ understanding of SEND

    Any additional support a child or young person receives at school or college must be explained to parents/carers at the earliest opportunity.

  • Holding supportive meetings

    Attending meetings at school or college can feel like an intimidating experience for some parents/carers.

  • Participation, co-production and person-centred planning

    Participation is about more than simply taking part or being consulted, it is about being fully included and actively involved in all planning and decision-making, in a way that is accessible and meaningful.

  • The voice of children and young people

    Children and young people with SEND in Bury shared their views about what they think all teachers should know.

  • Signposting for parents/carers

    Various local services in and around the borough.

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