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Welcome to the Food Safety & Hygiene subcategory of the Environmental Health In Bury page in The Bury Directory’s Home, Housing & Money Support In Bury section.

Here, you’ll find links to resources including the Food Standards Agency website, United Utilities and pest control businesses.

If you are concerned about the hygiene of the food, drink or service environment of any local establishment or business, it’s important that you report the issue immediately to prevent fellow Bury residents from contracting any food-borne illness.

If you run a business that serves food or drink, we recommend that you immediately report and resolve any problems involving pests, contamination or other issues that may affect the hygiene standards of your products.

This page provides useful links and resources that you can use in order to report food safety or hygiene issues, or to  find out how to uphold the highest of standards.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for in this area, feel free to take a look at the links shared on our Housing Information, Support & Advice in Bury page.

Otherwise, you can get in touch with The Bury Directory using our simple online contact form. We’ll do everything we can to assist you.

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