Welcome to the Health Information & Wellbeing section of The Bury Directory.

Within this section, you will find a range of non-NHS, health and wellbeing services available to you in Bury and the surrounding areas.

Look for general health advice? Find information on Health, Conditions, and non-NHS services, and Diet and Nutrition, below.

For addiction support, see the Addiction, Substance Misuse & Treatment section, where you’ll find local help, self-support groups, and treatment for those struggling with addiction in Bury.

In the Dentist & Oral Health services section, find information on dentists and dental practices in Bury and surrounding areas.

Check the Sensory & Communication section for support and advice on audio and sight issues in the UK, from charities to hearing centres, to adult disability teams.

You can even find support and advice for Sexuality, Sexual Health & Contraception in Bury in this section.

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