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Welcome to the Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing area of The Bury Directory, in the Health & Wellbeing Information in Bury section.

We all have mental health. We all know that having good mental health is important. Mental health is just another way to describe our general wellbeing – it’s about how we are thinking, feeling and behaving and it changes from day to day, week to week and month to month.

Good mental health is about more than just happiness - it is about our physical, emotional and social wellbeing. This includes having good self-esteem and self-confidence, so we accept ourselves and believe in our own worth and that of others around us. It is about the feeling that we can both enjoy life and cope with life, especially when difficulties arise. In short, it’s all about our resilience.

In this section of The Bury Directory, you can find information on Talking Therapies, support groups, support online and by phone, urgent support and more here.

If you’re responsible for the care of another person, find support for carers in our Bury Carers Information support section.

There is also information about Suicide Prevention Training in this section.

Discover Bury's mental health offer by visiting the Mental Health Framework page.

If you want to read more about common misconceptions about mental health visit our Myths About Mental Health page.

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