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Receptive Language - Getting More Help (KS1)

Receptive Language - Getting More Help (KS1)

Total Communication environment that uses a range of teaching and learning styles with emphasis on use of visuals and concrete examples to support spoken language (e.g. Objects of Reference, signing and key visuals).


Additional differentiation and scaffolding of tasks, which may require individualised planning for much of the day.


Ensure a multi-agency assessment to identify persistent and complex needs by seeking advice from external services such as the Inclusion ServiceBury’s Speech and Language Therapy Service  , Educational Psychology Service, CAMHS, to tailor programmes and activities to support individual children’s speech and language development, including attention and listening skills and receptive language skills.


School staff deliver and support daily, individualised targeted interventions (certain interventions may require specialist training from Speech and Language Therapists):


Intensive Interaction  - an approach designed to help develop pre-communication skills such as joint attention through sensory and shared joy activities.


Teaching Children to Listen – includes activities to use across primary school to develop children's key listening skills, as well as a rating scale to assess children on each of the four rules of good listening.


Black Sheep provides resources for teachers and speech and language therapists working with children with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and speech, language & communication needs (SLCN).

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