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Bury's Population

Bury's Population

  • Bury's Population: An overview of Bury's population broken down into subsections.
  • Population Projections

    Population projection provides an estimate of the future size and age structure of a population. They are based on population estimates and assumptions about birth rates, death rates, and migration.

  • Life Expectancy

    Information on life expectancy in Bury, including inequalities by sex, deprivation and geography.

  • Age

    An overview of the age profile of Bury’s resident population is presented here, followed by the breakdown across broad age groups such as babies & infants, children, young people, working age adults and older people.

  • Sex

    A breakdown of Bury’s population by sex including local perspectives at Middle layer Super Output Areas (MSOA) levels with sex breakdown by broad age groups (babies and infants, children and young people, work age adults and older adults).

  • Births

    Here you will find information on trends, fertility, and variations in Bury.

  • Deaths

    Offers information on mortality indicators from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and public health profiles to assist local decision-makers in assessing outcomes across a variety of causes of death in Bury.

  • Ethnicity

    Health outcomes differ by ethnicity, although patterns of death and disease are more complex when looked at in terms of ethnicity than by deprivation. Here you will find an insight into ethnic categories in Bury.

  • Deprivation

    Deprivation refers to a lack of access to opportunities and resources required for a sufficient standard of living such as quality housing, access to health care and employment. Here you can obtain information about deprivation in Bury.

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