Mobility & Transport For The Elderly & Disabled In Bury
Mobility & Transport For The Elderly & Disabled In Bury
Find services and useful resources to support people who have additional requirements when it comes to getting around or undertaking daily tasks.
In the Mobility & Transport For the Elderly & Disabled in Bury area of The Bury Directory’s Adult Social Care section you’ll find details of handy services and professional organisations in the Bury area that have been established to ensure significant independence and a straightforward living situation for individuals with a range of physical, mental and sensory conditions.
See the displayed links to find out more about local and national mobility provisions, including:
Whatever your requirements, solutions are available to achieve fuss-free day to day living, socialising and travel.
You can also find mobility advice and guidance for disabled individuals, family members, teachers, carers and employers via the websites listed.
If you aren’t able to find everything you need, you can either visit our Information & Advice page or get in touch with The Bury Directory today using our online contact form. We’ll do our best to direct you to the information you’re looking for.
Addision Travel ...
M45 7PS
Addision Travel is a fully independent ABTA bonded travel agent....
Local Offer
The Blue Badge scheme provides parking concessions for people with...
Local Offer
The British Red Cross lends wheelchairs and other independent living...
Local Offer
Bury Integrated Community Equipment Service provides an equipment service to...
Bury Shopmobility ...BL9 0QG
Provision of mobility vehicles such as wheelchairs, power chairs and...
Local Offer
CareCo Mobility ...LE1 1SH
As a leading independent distributor with over 14 years' experience...
Changing Places Toilets ...SE1 OBU
Every registered Changing Places Toilet includes the following equipment: Adult...
Local Offer
Disabled Access Holidays ...G3 7DS
Disabled Access Holidays is an expert travel agency specializing in...
Local Offer
Expert advice for the Disabled Traveller...Whether you're off on holiday,...
Local Offer
Discount Mobility was established in 2012 with the main focus...
Local Offer
Falls Prevention Service ...M26 2SP
The Falls Prevention Service provides specialised assessment and treatment for...
Leodis Stairlifts Bury ...BL9 5BT
We're Leodis Stairlifts Bury, the go-to place for anyone in...
Specialists in mobility and healthcare products including manual and electric...
Ring and Ride (Bury) ...BL8 2AQ
Please note: You must be registered first before using the...
Wheelchair Accessible Holiday Taxis is a One Stop Shop to...
Local Offer
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