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Welcome to the Support Services subcategory of the Sensory Impairment Services In Bury page in The Bury Directory’s Adult Care & Disability Services in Bury section.

On this page, you’ll find links to a wide range of resources that exist to provide valuable advice, guidance and information to aid in the support of Bury residents living with any form of sensory-related conditions.

You can use this section to browse tools ranging from lip-reading instruction to helplines for individuals with learning difficulties like Dyslexia and autism, to charities and societies supporting the visually impaired, the hard of hearing and those with communication issues such as aphasia.

You’ll be able to find further information about support and advice for those living with a sensory impairment via The Bury Directory’s main Sensory Impairment Services In Bury page.

 If you have not been able to find what you are looking for via the links shown in this section, take a look at the information displayed in the Adult Care Information & Advice in Bury area.

You can also get in touch with The Bury Directory directly, using the website’s handy online contact form. Simply let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll do everything we can to point you in the right direction.

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